Stratus Blog
News & Articles
Partnership with DTIP
MSU engineering lab agrees to partner
Approved to apply by NSF reviewers
Revised design yields greater distance
Pursuing patents in over a dozen countries
Stratus presents to US Army RCCTO
Afghan Ambassador likes Stratus tech
Stratus secures NDA and co-presenting with top 5 defense contractor
Stratus joins DEPS
Rep. Scott Perry takes notice of Stratus tech
"That's a great idea, I wish I had thought of it!"
Stratus well received by Seattle investors, entrepreneurs
Stratus and UW Capstone Program
Stratus getting traction with Member of Congress
Stratus at the nation's capital
Stratus antique aircraft honored at KAWO
Lab testing completed successfully!
Stratus presents at the Pentagon
Partnerships established with leading optics and imaging manufacturers
Stratus antique aircraft to be featured at Arlington Fly-in